MobyDick in Peterborough, UK

For one of the biggest construction and aggregate companies in the U.K, FRUTIGER has recently installed a MobyDick ConLine KIT Flex Kit Flex 400 Mobile C system on an exit road with limited space. The tank was installed through a fence so two-way traffic could pass. The mobile Kit Flex 400 wheel washing system is perfect for up to 100 trucks per day and can be set up and commissioned within only a few hours. The perfect solution for short assignments or if the system has to be moved frequently.


MobyDick ConLine Kit Flex 400 Mobile C

Wheel Wash Wheel Washing - ConLine KIT Flex Wheel Washing - ConLine KIT Plus Wheel Washing - TailorMade Line Demucking Demucking - Construction Equipment Demucking - Rail Vehicles Demucking - Military Vehicles Dust Control Dust Control - Cannon Line Dust Control - TailorMade Line