Dust: Those who don’t act, act irresponsibly

Construction workers are exposed to many dangers every day. To avoid injuries, they usually wear protective clothing such as helmets, high-visibility vests, gloves, and safety shoes. However, an important aspect is often neglected: dust. The health risks of dust should not be underestimated. Especially in areas such as demolition, construction, landfills, recycling sites, or ports, dust is a major problem. The airborne particles can be inhaled and lead to serious illnesses such as lung cancer, chronic bronchitis, and pulmonary fibrosis in the long term. In addition to such drastic health consequences, skin and eye irritations are also not uncommon.

Although the problem is known, often nothing or too little is done to effectively reduce the dust exposure for employees and the population in the vicinity of dust sources. Perhaps because the health consequences are not immediately visible. It is easier to concentrate on obvious dangers such as falling objects than on less visible dangers such as dust. The consequences for society are fatal: it is estimated that several million people worldwide are affected by health consequences due to dust exposure annually.

There are effective solutions such as the dust suppression systems of the MobyDick brand, which bind the dust at the source with fine water droplets and prevent its spread in the air. Those who don’t act, act irresponsibly – and endanger not only the health of their own employees and residents, but increasingly also their own reputation.

MobyDick Dust Control Cannon

MobyDick Dust Control Cannon

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