
MobyDick ensures clean roads in Great Britain

A local quarry operator in the Midlands (GB), used for many years an old dry ramp system at the exit of his quarry to clean the wheels of the trucks before leaving the quarry. As a result of increasing frequencies and heavy soiling it was necessary to replace the old dry ramps system with a modern wheel washing system a few months ago. A MobyDick Kit 800 from FRUTIGER was finally evaluated. For serveral reasons it was not possible to set the washing modules into the ground, thereofore a customer-specific solution was necessary (see photo). The customer and as well the local residents are very satisfied with the new solution and the pollution of public roads is no longer a problem.


MobyDick at MINEEXPO

More and more MobyDick Wheelwashing-, Demucking– and Dust Control Systems also protect the enviroment around North American mining sites from harmful Dust and Track-out Emissions. Therefore FRUTIGER was again part of the this year MINEXPO from September, 26 – 28 in Las Vegas. We thank our customers for their great interest and look forward to exciting projects.



Just a few weeks after the Bauma 2016 exhibition FRUTIGER was already again present at the Munich Trade Fair Area, as an exhibitor at the IFAT 2016. The company presented a modular wheel washing system MobyDick ConLine and a Cannon 30 of the MobyDick Dust Control line.


FRUTIGER with a first of its kind in the world at bauma 2016

This year is the 16th time the Swiss-based FRUTIGER Company AG has participated in the bauma trade fair in Munich. The innovation leader from Switzerland was once again able to inspire visitors with the MobyDick® ONE, the new standard for customised wheel-washing systems and a wide range of modern dust-binding solution.


FRUTIGER expands in the USA

For many years FRUTIGER Company AG has been active in the US with their own Sales and Service Organisation. Because of rising demand in North America a new Facility close to Chicago has now been opened recently.


International Partner Meeting

On Friday the 18. September the international distributors meeting took place at the headquarters of FRUTIGER Company AG. The attendees from all around the world were thoroughly informed about the current MobyDick products and had ample opportunity to exchange their respective knowledge and experience. On Saturday the event was completed with a trip on the mountain Säntis, which was enjoyed very much by all the members of the FRUTIGER Distributor Network.


FRUTIGER und SAVIC an der Matexpo 2015

Im vergangen Jahr vereinbarten die schweizerische FRUTIGER und die belgische SAVIC Engineering eine enge Partnerschaft im Bereich Reifenwaschanlagen und Staubbindung. An der diesjährigen Matexpo wurden nun die Produktbereiche beider Unternehmen den zahlreichen Interessenten vorgestellt. Neben einer mobilen MobyDick Reifenwaschanlage des Typs ConLine Kit 400 von FRUTIGER waren auch verschiedene Kanonen zur Staubbindung von SAVIC Engineering ausgestellt. Die beiden Unternehmen bedanken sich bei den vielen Besuchern und freuen sich über den gelungenen Messeauftritt.

Wheel Wash Wheel Washing - ConLine KIT Flex Wheel Washing - ConLine KIT Plus Wheel Washing - TailorMade Line Demucking Demucking - Construction Equipment Demucking - Rail Vehicles Demucking - Military Vehicles Dust Control Dust Control - Cannon Line Dust Control - TailorMade Line