Two MobyDick Wheel Washing Systems for motorway access in Austria

Recently FRUTIGER has received the order for the delivery of two MobyDick KIT Flex 400 Wheel Washing Systems in Austria. The systems have been installed in the meantime and will be used in the long term for the extension of the junctions of the Rhine Valley motorway. Due to the modular concept of the ConLine Wheel Washing Systems it was possible for the owner of the systems to install one of the two systems in advance for a few weeks on a small construction site as a fully mobile variant.

Two MobyDick Wheel Washing Systems for motorway access in Austria

Wheel Wash Wheel Washing - ConLine KIT Flex Wheel Washing - ConLine KIT Plus Wheel Washing - TailorMade Line Demucking Demucking - Construction Equipment Demucking - Rail Vehicles Demucking - Military Vehicles Dust Control Dust Control - Cannon Line Dust Control - TailorMade Line