Wheel Washing System MobyDick ONE at INDAVER in Belgium

Indaver is one of Europe’s most prominent providers of high-quality waste disposal solutions for industrial companies and the public sector. The focus of the internationally active group, which has its headquarters in Belgium, is on the environmentally compatible treatment of all waste and the maximum recycling of the energy and recyclables produced. Indaver Belgium’s broad range of services includes the integrated management of hazardous substances from the petrochemical, pharmaceutical and metalworking sectors. Another focus of its activities is on remediation projects in which accident sites are decontaminated and hazardous materials such as asbestos are safely disposed of.

In Antwerp, Indaver operates a landfill for hazardous waste eg. contaminated soil. In the course of an expansion of this landfill, it was decided to purchase a MobyDick ONE wheel washing system.
Ash from incineration and very sticky material from filter cakes has to be washed off.

Mr. Stefaan Schelpe, plant manager at the landfill in Antwerp, looked at various similar plants in Luxembourg during the selection phase. The MobyDick ONE, the most powerful model from the MobyDick range, was selected because Indaver places very high demands on the operation of the landfill with the lowest possible emissions. After approx. one year of operation of the plant, he sees his decision confirmed: “The MobyDick ONE wheel washing system meets our high demands on function and operational safety”.

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