MobyDick wheel washing system in Avellino

FRUTIGER recently supplied and installed a high-performance wheel washing system of the ConLine KIT Flex model line for the concrete plant of a renowned concrete manufacturer in Avellino (Italy). A high-quality and fully galvanised MobyDick washing module, in combination with a 20m3 recycling tank, has since then ensured the reliable cleaning of all trucks leaving the plant. The pollution of the public roads in the vicinity has decreased considerably, which increases road safety and makes the residents particularly happy.

wheel washing

MobyDick ConLine KIT Flex 400B

Wheel Wash Wheel Washing - ConLine KIT Flex Wheel Washing - ConLine KIT Plus Wheel Washing - TailorMade Line Demucking Demucking - Construction Equipment Demucking - Rail Vehicles Demucking - Military Vehicles Dust Control Dust Control - Cannon Line Dust Control - TailorMade Line