Another MobyDick for Rizhao Port

Rizhao Port in Lanshan is a large shipping port for bulk cargo in China’s Shandong province. It is in the Yellow Sea halfway between Rizhao and Lianyungang and next to Haizhou Bay.
Day after day, countless trucks distribute the freight arriving here to all of China. The bulk goods stored on the port area often cause the wheels and chassis of the vehicles to become heavily soiled, which leads to constant contamination of the public roads around the port.

To counter this problem, the port authority commissioned FRUTIGER China to install various high-performance MobyDick wheel washing systems over a period of several years. A 20-metre-long ConLine system has now recently been commissioned. After the washing process, the used washing water is recycled in specially constructed concrete basins. The sludge can be removed directly from the large concrete basins by wheel loaders. The wheel washer is capable of thoroughly cleaning the wheels of many hundreds of trucks daily in just a few seconds.

Since the commissioning of the MobyDick system, the cleanliness of the surrounding roads has improved step by step and the next large wheel washing systems for Chinese seaports are already being planned.

MobyDick ConLine WheelWash China Rizhao

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