MobyDick ConLine KIT Flex 400C in the Czech Republic

FRUTIGER recently completed the installation of a MobyDick ConLine KIT Flex 400 C wheel washing system in the Czech Republic. Specifically designed for the construction industry, the modular system comprises a sturdy four-meter-long washing grid and a recycling tank. For this installation it is combined with a scraper conveyor and MobyDos Compact, with which the the addition of flocculants can be automated. Capable of washing up to 150 medium-dirty trucks per day, this model is an ideal solution for high-volume operations.

The MobyDick models are highly regarded by thousands of users worldwide for their quick and easy installation process, which also benefited the customer in Pilsen. The system was installed and handed over in a single working day, providing a hassle-free experience for the customer. With this state-of-the-art system in place, businesses in the construction industry can improve their operations and achieve better results.

MobyDick ConLine KIT Flex 400C

MobyDick ConLine KIT Flex 400C

Wheel Wash Wheel Washing - ConLine KIT Flex Wheel Washing - ConLine KIT Plus Wheel Washing - TailorMade Line Demucking Demucking - Construction Equipment Demucking - Rail Vehicles Demucking - Military Vehicles Dust Control Dust Control - Cannon Line Dust Control - TailorMade Line