
Clean construction machinery in just a few minutes

In the construction industry, construction vehicles are an indispensable helper. When used in dirt and grime, however, the construction machines themselves can accumulate dirt. Regular, proper cleaning is essential to ensure that the machines have the longest possible service life. With demucking systems such as those from MobyDick, you can clean your construction machines – in the shortest possible time and a resource and environmentally friendly manner. (more…)


Clean your military vehicles with our tank washers

Military vehicles have to meet many requirements in everyday use. They are usually used in an environment that is dirty and can affect vehicles. This is why regular, proper cleaning of military vehicles is so important. The vehicles are cleaned of coarse dirt in special tank washing systems. This extends the service life of the vehicles and makes them less susceptible to defects and malfunctions. (more…)


MobyDick solves emission problems

Filthy roads, dust pollution and dirt adhering to vehicles is part and parcel of everyday routine at many landfill sites, material transshipment points, recycling yards, construction sites and recovery plants. As a result, many responsible companies are increasingly looking for opportunities to reduce the negative effects of such emissions on people, the environment and machinery. As a global market leader in the field of emission control, FRUTIGER has been providing a broad range of modern and practical solutions from a single source for over 30 years.


A whale in the world’s largest borax mine

Raw materials have been extracted from the world’s largest borax mine in California for almost 100 years. Because the mine responsibles were increasingly faced with the problem of the extreme dirt on the construction vehicles, they started using the MobyDick demucking system from the Swiss Company FRUTIGER a short time ago.

Wheel Wash Wheel Washing - ConLine KIT Flex Wheel Washing - ConLine KIT Plus Wheel Washing - TailorMade Line Demucking Demucking - Construction Equipment Demucking - Rail Vehicles Demucking - Military Vehicles Dust Control Dust Control - Cannon Line Dust Control - TailorMade Line