MobyDick Wheel Wash System in a slope

Usually, it is necessary to install a Wheel Wash System on a flat surface so that the water recirculation into the recycling tank of the washing system works properly. However, there are exceptional situations where an installation on a straight surface is not possible for various reasons. Such a situation was presented to FRUTIGER recently at a tunnel construction site, where a Wheel Wash System was required on a single-lane entrance and exit ramp with a slope of over 10%. Thanks to the experience gained from the production of several thousand Wheel Washing Systems, FRUTIGER was able to develop, manufacture and install a suitable system on site within only a few weeks.


Wheel Wash Wheel Washing - ConLine KIT Flex Wheel Washing - ConLine KIT Plus Wheel Washing - TailorMade Line Demucking Demucking - Construction Equipment Demucking - Rail Vehicles Demucking - Military Vehicles Dust Control Dust Control - Cannon Line Dust Control - TailorMade Line