MobyDick Wheel Washing System in Nanchang, China

To address the issue of public road pollution, the Nanchang municipal government aims to ensure that tires of cars and trucks on the roads are clean enough to meet the stringent environmental requirements set by the Chinese government.
Following a visit of the two MobyDick wheel washing systems in Ruichang City, Jiangxi Province, the Nanchang municipal government officials decided to set up a MobyDick wheel wash system as well.

Detailed clarifications from FRUTIGER China with government officials revealed that the daily car wash volume was around 2,000 units, leading to the decision to establish a two-lane cleaning platform in the city. This platform is made up of two 13-meter wheel wash units, each equipped with a 6-meter drainage belt and a circulating pool water storage capacity of 420m³. In total, the platform has 23 pumps, with one of the lanes including an additional 2 meters of vehicle body cleaning.

The completion of the South Gate project in Nanchang City was met with praise from citizens, and it was even featured in an interview conducted by a local TV station.

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