ONE 1000 Wheel Washing System in Hawaii

In 2019 MobyDick North America installed the first “ONE 1000” a 3-tire revolution wheel wash system in Hawaii at PVT Land Company-Hawaii.

The PVT Integrated Solid Waste Management Facility is Oahu’s only construction and demolition (C&D) landfill. It plays a vital role in Hawaii’s economy as the only location on Oahu where debris from construction projects, storms, and other sources can be disposed of safely and securely.

PVT required a robust wheel wash system to remove the heavy soiling conditions experienced at the landfill. With 250 plus trucks per day with heavy soiling the “ONE 1000” along with a 40,000-gallon recycling tank was selected among many competitive systems.

Frutiger/MobyDick North America has solved the problem of dirty public roads at PVT.
They look forward too many years of great service from the MobyDick products and the North American staff.


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